#Game Design

GameDev LinkList

No. Not the data structure… rather a list of links to things that have been useful in game development projects in the past or may be useful in the future. This will be updated as I discover more useful links and / or when I go and groom my Chrome bookmarks list. 2D Lighting Sprite Glow Library PostProcessing Stack (needed by Sprite Glow Library) AI A* Pathfinding With Interactive Demos Design Patterns Martin Fowler on UI Architectures Game Design 7 Roguelikes Every Developer Should Study Hardware Unity Hardware Statistics Procedural Content Procedural City Generation Shaders Lux Open Source Shader Framework

#Game Design

Shoot'em Up Mechanics

This is a little look into common mechanics used in the shoot’em up genre of games. If you look at the Wikipedia page for the genre you’ll see that they distinguish between a large number of different sub-types. So to be specific, I’m writing about the following types of shooters: Fixed Scrolling Multi-direction Bullet-hell Why? I’m writing this post to hopefully provide some inspiration for participants in our inaugural Entelect Game Jam which we’re having today. ...