#Dev Diary

GGO17 - Day 2

Now back to my regular programming: game development updates. If you are subscribed to the RSS feed prepare for daily updates for the rest of this month, because the Github GameOff 2017 started last night! Theme: Throwback The theme announced at 23:37 last night (local time) is throwback! As my cousin observed it’s a nice open theme, but I suspect most people will do the obvious thing, so this jam is likely to be remake central… Be prepared to see a lot of CGA style graphics like the banner at the top of this page! ...

#Dev Diary

GGO16 - Day 21

Unfortunately tonight the time I had to spend on this project was limited to a short hour and the 5 minutes it takes to write this update. Work kept me busy until 18:30 and even that didn’t feel enough today… Outcomes I’ve started along the path to implementing violence in my game! Hacking will help you win fights, but taking the other guy out of the fight permanently isn’t going to stop being a feature of competitive conflict resolution anytime soon… ...

#Dev Diary

GGO16 - Day 19

Today I managed to finish hacking together my more advanced city blocks that have a bit more detail to them to allow for more complex economic calculations. That wasn’t enough - for them to actually be worth anything I also had to implement random city generation, which was a bit more than I planned on doing today, but at least it’s all mostly working now! Outcomes See for yourself: I’m pretty sure there’s a few bugs that I’ll have to fix tomorrow: ...

#Dev Diary

GGO16 - Day 14

Today was just a shambles! I spent the bulk of it trying to Microsoft SQL’s JDBC driver authenticating to our local SQL server using domain authentication instead of local server authentication. What makes it hard is that it has to work off Linux, so I’ve had to deal with the Java Kerberos implementation and it’s oh so helpful error messages (here’s an amusing / terrifying list). Then I nearly got caught in a hail storm on the way home and to top it off 15 minutes after I reached home the storm hit and lightning took out the power in our area, so I basically slept until 21:00 when the power came on again instead of doing any of the work I needed to get done before tomorrow night. ...