#Dev Diary

GGO16 - Day 14

Today was just a shambles! I spent the bulk of it trying to Microsoft SQL’s JDBC driver authenticating to our local SQL server using domain authentication instead of local server authentication. What makes it hard is that it has to work off Linux, so I’ve had to deal with the Java Kerberos implementation and it’s oh so helpful error messages (here’s an amusing / terrifying list). Then I nearly got caught in a hail storm on the way home and to top it off 15 minutes after I reached home the storm hit and lightning took out the power in our area, so I basically slept until 21:00 when the power came on again instead of doing any of the work I needed to get done before tomorrow night. ...

#Dev Diary

GGO16 - Day 13

Today was a good day! Even though I was bad and spent most of the day playing XCOM 2, I was able to make very good progress this evening. MegaCorps is now very close to being a game - my criteria for that classification being that the player should have a goal and be able to win or lose. Outcomes The summarised list of items completed today include: Finished UI updates after migrating to Unity UI Squad movement Squad taking control of a sector The minumum UI bits needed for the above to work This is what the new UI looks like: ...

#Dev Diary

GGO16 - Day 8

It’s been slower going than I had hoped, but at least I’ve now started making some headway into adding cyborg death squads to the game! OK, so there’s nothing super about them just yet… they can’t even move… but at least you can see that they are being spawned successfully in each player’s starting area. Outcomes Observe the amazing pixel art of a cyborg death squad agent shown in places where the code has created squads of such agents: ...